2019 Covid 19 Project
- Supported 8 hospitals with PPE’s worth GHC 10,000 & donated 20,000 to the Ministry of Health support fight against COVID 19. - Provided street education on covid in 5 Suburbs in Accra
2019 Breast Cancer Campaign
- Organized high school tours in 5 schools in the Ashanti Region to screen and educate on Breast cancer. - In collaboration with Sonotech Ghana, the Queen provided breast screening for over 5,000 tertiary students in Sunyani.
Care for the aged
Organized a “Care for the aged program” at Nkotompo, Takoradi, western region It involved: - Diabetic Education - Donation - Health Screening
- Cervical cancer screening at 5 villages in the Northern Region - Free health and breast cancer screening in Koforidua for 600 guests - Paid for chemotherapy sessions for 10 women at the hospital - Held social media live sessions with doctors to educate Ghanaians on health topics
In partnership with Sonotech we organized breast cancer awareness campaigns in Swedro. - To screen over 500 women and provide free monograms - Paid for the chemotherapy sessions for 10 women
Donated food and clothing to the Accra Psychiatric Hospital
- Organized Market activation and education at Accra central
- Registered 1000 kids and women on NHIS
- Organized free screening for Kayaye at Agbobloshie serving 1000 guests.
- Provided mentorship and menstrual hygiene awareness with Dzorwulu school in partnership with the Joslyn Dumas Foundation.